Best 200 GPM UV ultraviolet in Dubai

Benefits of UV Sterilizer
Compact and easy to install
Completely automatic
No Chemicals required
Low maintenance
Low operating cost
High performance
No added taste or odor

Water Filter excellent Pure UV Ultraviolet Water cleansing frameworks give a 99.99% decrease in microbes, infection, and protozoan growths. Standard Aqua Filter UV-Ultraviolet Water Sterilizer units convey a 30,000mw/cm UV portion at a 254 nm frequency (at the appraised stream). Standard units have a discernible and apparent on/off light disappointment alert, discretionary models modern with UV force screen to guide the security frequency and slipped-by time meter to exhortation when the light is to be supplanted are likewise accessible.


Best 200 GPM UV ultraviolet in Dubai

Water is one of the essential resources that we need to survive. However, it is not always safe to drink tap water due to the presence of harmful bacteria and viruses. To ensure that our drinking water is clean and safe, we need to install water filtration systems. In this article, we will discuss one such system, the 200 GPM UV Ultraviolet Water Filtration System.

What is a 200 GPM UV Ultraviolet Water Filtration System?

The 200 GPM UV Ultraviolet Water Filtration System is a water filtration system that uses ultraviolet light to kill bacteria and viruses in water. The system is designed to provide safe and clean drinking water for commercial and industrial applications. It can remove up to 99.9% of harmful microorganisms present in water, making it safe to drink.

How does it work?

The 200 GPM UV Ultraviolet Water Filtration System uses ultraviolet light to kill bacteria and viruses present in the water. The water is passed through a chamber that contains a UV lamp. When the water passes through the chamber, the UV light penetrates the cell wall of the microorganisms, destroying their DNA and making them unable to reproduce. As a result, the microorganisms are rendered harmless and safe to drink.

Benefits of using a 200 GPM UV Ultraviolet Water Filtration System

There are several benefits of using a 200 GPM UV Ultraviolet Water Filtration System. Some of them are:

1. Kills Harmful Microorganisms

The 200 GPM UV Ultraviolet Water Filtration System can remove up to 99.9% of harmful microorganisms present in water. It is an effective way to ensure that the water you drink is safe and free from harmful bacteria and viruses.

2. Low Maintenance

The system requires very little maintenance. Unlike other water filtration systems, it does not require any filter replacements. The only maintenance required is the periodic cleaning of the quartz sleeve that protects the UV lamp.

3. Energy Efficient

The 200 GPM UV Ultraviolet Water Filtration System is energy efficient. It uses very little energy compared to other water filtration systems, making it an eco-friendly option.

4. Easy to Install

The system is easy to install and can be done by a professional plumber. It does not require any special tools or equipment to install.

5. Cost-effective

The 200 GPM UV Ultraviolet Water Filtration System is cost-effective. It does not require any filter replacements, which means that you will save money in the long run.

Applications of the 200 GPM Ultraviolet Water Filtration System

The 200 GPM Ultraviolet Water Filtration System is ideal for commercial and industrial applications. It can be used in the following industries:

1. Food and Beverage Industry

The food and beverage industry requires high-quality water to ensure that their products are safe and hygienic. The 200 GPM Ultraviolet Water Filtration System can be used to provide clean and safe water for the production of food and beverages.

2. Pharmaceutical Industry

The pharmaceutical industry requires pure water for the production of medicines. The 200 GPM Ultraviolet Water Filtration System can be used to provide pure water for the production of medicines.

3. Hospitality Industry

The hospitality industry requires clean and safe water for their guests. The 200 GPM Ultraviolet Water Filtration System can be used to provide clean and safe water for the guests.

4. Municipal Water Treatment Plants

The 200 GPM Ultraviolet Water Filtration System can also be used in municipal water treatment plants to ensure that the water is safe and free from harmful microorganisms. The system can be installed at the final stage of the water treatment process to provide an additional layer of protection.


In conclusion, the 200 GPM Ultraviolet Water Filtration System is an effective and efficient way to ensure that the water you drink is safe and free from harmful bacteria and viruses. It is low maintenance, energy-efficient, easy to install, and cost-effective. It can be used in various industries, including the food and beverage industry, pharmaceutical industry, hospitality industry, and municipal water treatment plants.


Q1. How often do I need to clean the quartz sleeve of the 200 GPM Ultraviolet Water Filtration System?

A1. The quartz sleeve needs to be cleaned once every six months to ensure that the UV lamp can function effectively.

Q2. Can the 200 GPM Ultraviolet Water Filtration System remove chlorine from water?

A2. No, the 200 GPM Ultraviolet Water Filtration System cannot remove chlorine from water. It is designed to remove harmful microorganisms only.

Q3. What is the lifespan of the UV lamp in the 200 GPM Ultraviolet Water Filtration System?

A3. The UV lamp in the 200 GPM Ultraviolet Water Filtration System has a lifespan of approximately 9000 hours.

Q4. Can the 200 GPM Ultraviolet Water Filtration System be used in homes?

A4. The 200 GPM Ultraviolet Water Filtration System is designed for commercial and industrial applications. It is not recommended for home use.

Q5. Does the 200 GPM Ultraviolet Water Filtration System require any special installation requirements?

A5. No, the 200 GPM Ultraviolet Water Filtration System does not require any special installation requirements. It can be installed by a professional plumber using standard plumbing techniques.


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